Tuesday, March 21

I worked at the craft show on the weekend for Leisa and Kerri. It was a lot of fun, and I got to know the lovely Christie. They have just asked me to teach a class on Saturday and I have to go in and make uip the new design team packs, so Saturday should be fun. They have the new Chatterbox stuff too, so I'm looking forward to seeing all of that.

I'm expecting some new stuff from Bumblebee soon, which will include stuff from CHA so that will be exciting.

I recieved a magazine in the mail today called Up 2 Scrap, which is a New Zealand mag and it has one of my layouts in it, so I'm now calling myself "international" (lol), The LO looks pretty good. I'm looking forward to sitting down and looking through the rest of the magazine.

I got a commisioning letter from SM yesterday so lots of exciting things are happening at the moment. My a-z is a bit woeful though. I just don't seem to have enough time. I put up a wire string along my scrapbook room wall yesterday to display my stuff. I have all my current a-z LO's up there at the moment. I'm liking it a bit more now that I can see it all aat once.


For anyone who doesn't already know, Michael might be getting a secondment and we could be moving to New York for a couple of years. It would sad to have to give up my DT positions, but apart from that we are rearing to go. We just have to wait for confirmation now. I hate waiting.

Anyway, enough for today. Kyan is getting restless.


  1. You have been busy, Leish! New York will be so much fun, but knowing that won't stop me from missing you!! Hope you find out soon.

    See you soon!!
    xx S.

  2. Anonymous3:08 PM

    Oh Leish! I'm sure that most of your DT stuff could be done from the states!!!! Anyone would be crazy to give you up over a few hundred thousand kms!!

    Good Luck!
