Wednesday, June 14

Back to Work

Well I am now back at work. It wasn't too bad I guess. I have a lot of work to do.

Here is a photos of the tin that Sara and I made at the convention on the weekend. I quite like it. I think that Sara and I are going to use it for our "She" albums, except that instead of doing it about ourselves, we are going to complete pages for each other.

I am still plodding through my masters entry I spent some time on my beyond the page last night. I think I like it. I haven't decided yet. I still really like the concept, but I'm not sure that the embellishments are coming through the way I would like. We'll see I suppose.

I seem to have uncovered a few lurkers. Hi Sara N. It's good to see you. Thanks for visiting me. Hi also to Cass. Cass has just recently gotten her new website and gallery up and running. Check out the link in my sidebar. Congrats Cass. Also Hi to Crissy. Hope you visit again. Thanks for your comments everyone.

For anyone local, Scrapbook City are having a stocktake sale over the next few days. You can shop online too.

The new Scrapbook Creations is out. There is a bumblebee ad in the inside cover. Mine is the Georgia Girl layout. I forgot to take a photo of it, so I can't post it here.

Best go I suppose, and get ready for work again tomorrow.


  1. Gorgeous tin Alicia. I would love to know what papers they are??

    You will get there in the end with your masters entry too, just keep plodding along.

    And no worries about adding me to your sidebar.

  2. Your tin looks great, Leish. I will work on mine over the weekend, if I can.

    xx S.

  3. Anonymous10:45 PM

    BEAUTIFUL tin Alicia!!! love it and good luck with your Masters entry...I am sure it is going to be SUPER :0)

