Sunday, June 4

Sorry Jilly and Sara. Hope you haven;t missed me too much. I've had a really bad week and haven;t been feeling uip to using the computer. Not sure that I do today either, so I'll just do the tag from Sara and Will and leave it at that.
I AM: home from work
I WANT: to do some more scrapping
I HATE: fennel
I MISS: Michael when he is at work
I FEAR: heights
I HEAR: the washing machine humming
I WONDER: what Kyan is doing at daycare
I REGRET: not having breakfast this morning.
I AM NOT: going to work all week.
I DANCE: Irish, well I used to.
I SING: rarely
I CRY: !
I AM NOT ALWAYS: on the computer, it just seems that way
I WRITE: really neatly when I want to
I CONFUSE: myself all the time.
I NEED: to have breakfast
I SHOULD: go and make breakfast
I START: stitching on layouts and then complain about every stupid french knot, that seemed like a good idea at the time.
I FINISH: layouts in one sitting if I can help it.

I tag Shirlz(when she gets home) and Jenny


  1. Wow - you're still alive!!! Hope your feeling better Alicia!

  2. Whoops - typo - Hope YOU'RE feeling better Alicia!

  3. LOL - the french knots one has me giggling! Good to see you getting back on board.

    xx S.

  4. Sorry to hear you're not well Alicia - hope it's not too serious! I can relate to your stitching/french knot comment too!
