Tuesday, July 11

Funny, funny girl.

Oh dear, Sara makes me laugh. If you've seen her blog today, you will have read her confession. You gotta be careful who you give your passwrod out to these days lol. It's all true though, Sara is the best. I'm often sitting on my computer laughing to myself when I read emails from her. I wasn't going to dob you in for the spelling though.

Nothing much else to report at the moment. I haven't done any scrapping for 3 days. Can you tell I am back at work? I already have a sore throat. Poor Kyan has been quite sick. He has yet another chest infection, with more antibiotics. he seems much better today than yesterday. he didn;t even respond when I came home yesterday afternoon. He was all smiles for Grandma this morning.

Back to I guess. Thanks Sara again fro making me smile and laugh all the time and being such a wonderful friend. (and for fixing my blog for me, I have title bar now)


  1. Tee hee ;)

    Hope Kyan is feeling better quickly.

    You are very welcome for the blog help - I think I messed it up a bit, but hopefully I fixed all my mistakes. It looks okay now.

    xx S.

  2. LOL Sara, is a gem though, your title blog looks fantastic.
    Hope you and Kyan are feeling better. :)

  3. Hope you and Kyan feel better soon.

  4. Hope you're all feeling okay soon. Maybe I'd better get Sara to look at my blog as my side bar seems to have disappeared altogether!! Not that I'll be giving her my password anytime soon!!! Goodness knows what she'd do! LOL!!!

  5. You two make me laugh! Hope you don't have what I got today...Larangitis and pharyngytis!

  6. You and Sarah sound like Abbott and Costello! PMSL! Hope you guys are feeling better!

  7. I hope Kyan is well and that you don;t get sick darling! Sending Cyberhigs and get wells.

    I was goiong to ask Sara for some help with my blog as I am having trouble making it all orange the way I want - but I think I am afraid now! *lol* ;)

  8. Anonymous9:06 PM

    Hi! Just want to say what a nice site. Bye, see you soon.
