Friday, September 8

No coments

For some reason my last post did not have the option to leave comments, which is odd as I don't remember changing anything, so I'll see how this one goes.

A very short post today. I am on my way into bed. We had another exhausting day today. I thought we were all but finished. I guess we weren't. My lovely friend Ang came to give me a hand. Thanks again Ang. We have one short trip out to the house tomorrow and then I think that's it. Then we just have to hand over the second car, try to get to a bank and a chemist and most importantly see Sara. Lucky we are staying with Michel's parents who are only 5 minutes from Sara.

My brain wont let me go on, so I'm off to sleep. Hope the comments thing works, as I love getting comments from everyone.


  1. Anonymous6:50 AM

    No long to go now!

    Can't imagine how you're feeling. Excited about NY, but probably sad to leave Brissy!

    Probably won't get to wish you well before you leave, so have a good trip(hope Kyan likes it, and you can keep him occupied) and chat to you in NY!

    Chelle Xx

  2. Anonymous5:34 PM

    *big hug* All the best for the big trip over. Take care!

  3. Glad you've now got everything done and we had a chance to catch up today before you leave!

    xx S.
