Saturday, November 18

A Very Lazy Day

We have had a very lazt day despite good intentions. We have pretty much just stayed home and napped, read the paper and make a train track.

Kyan is being a bit funny. He wants the train track built, but only wants to push the trains. He doesn't want to turn them on. He was a bit odd last night too. He woke up about 10 and wandered out. Somehow (Daddy) Sesame St ended up on TV. Kyan stopped mid cry to watch it. Literally. He still had his hand up to his eye. It only had about 5 mins to go. As soon as the credits rolld, he lost the plot. He screamed. Not just upset because it was finished. It was as if he had just seen a car crash. It was awful, but a bit funny. I've never seen him so devestated before.

Have done a few more pages this week. I'm really happy with them too. I'll upload them here and into my gallery.

The Life of Kyan one is my favourite at the moment. I'll admit that there is a lot of Julie Love influence in there. These are both for survivor. The competition is getting very tough.


  1. I think you need a lazy day sometimes...don't accomplish anything, but that's ok!! There's always tomorrow.

    Kyan is definately my favourite too, but like the new York one too! What is Michael eating? A giant donut?? What do the New Yorkers call them??

    Good Luck with this week's round of Survivor! You and Sara are doing very well!! :-)

    Chelle Xx

  2. Hi Alicia,
    I am loving the colour and dimension in both of these pages they look great.
    Good luck!

  3. Lazy days are great! Have one at least once a week! (ok, perhaps maybe more than one! LOL) But it is good to unwind.
    Love your layouts and I hope all is well and that you are enjoying New York.
    take care :)

  4. Anonymous3:17 AM

    I hope Kyan does not have any more nights like that. Great LOs.

  5. I hate those nights...they just take it out of you...hope he is better soon!
    I have to say that I am loving the new colours that you are using at the moment...those muted primary colours are so warming!

  6. Anonymous1:18 PM

    I hope Kyan settles down really soon. Love your lo's they are great.

  7. Hi Leisha
    Lachie still likes to push his trains must be his hands on nature and don't worry about Kyan's night stalking my kids change their patterns of routine constantly, just when you think you've got things worked out they like to spice it up.
    Talk soon Ang

  8. These are just lovley alica and you sound like New York is agreeing with you. Take care in the big apple hey.

  9. Hi Alicia,

    Love your layouts. Don't worry about Kyan getting up late at night. My boys do the same thing sometimes.


  10. Hi Alicia
    A lazy day sounds just perfect, I manage to get very little of them. Love your layouts they look fantastic. The one of Kyan would be my fav as well.
    Have a great week
