Sunday, December 31

Catch up post

I can't believe how busy I have been lately. I have badly neglected my blog, so I am going to do a quick catch up. So it's not too long and boring, I'll do the dot point thing.

* Baby Cooper is doing well, although he has a little bit of jaundice. They should be hom in a couple of days. Still no middle name yet.

* My brother-in-law has become engaged to the lovely Leanne.

* Marcel and Belinda were here for Christmas which was nice, and they brought Tim Tams with them. We tried to make lunch as close to home as possible. We had a ham, although we had to cook it first. No ready to go hams over here. Lucky I read the lable. Could have turned out badly. It certainly looked cooked.

*Kyan loved his presents. He now has enough train pieces to fill up his entire bedroom.

* I went to my first real life crop yesterday with my new Scrappy Giraffe friends. I met Molly and Kat from the SGK DT and the lovely Rosa, as customer of Kat's. Was lots of fun, although we got lost coming home. We made it safely, albeit very late. Poor Kat still had to drive all the way out to Long Island once she dropped me off.

* We cropped at Molly's house. She is so so sweet, and has the best accent.

* I have a new online class being announced at Scrapbook City in the next day or so. It is a BTP class. Would like to see lots of people there.

* Sara and I have been working on another project for Scrapbook City. More clues coming to your email box very soon.

* Still no snow. It's cold but certainly not freezing.

Here are some pics:

And this is from the crop. These lovely ladies are Molly and Kat.


  1. Anonymous11:15 PM

    What adorable photos of Kyan. Love them.

  2. Anonymous11:16 PM

    Sorry didnt leave my name

  3. Hey Leish!

    Glad you had a good Christmas and the ham didn't end in disaster. Did you go to Times Square for New Years? Probably too late for Kyan...:-)

    Must have been nice to meet your new friends the New L/O's!

    Looking forward to the NEW news coming soon from SC!!

    Chelle Xx

  4. Anonymous1:38 AM

    Hi Alicia! Was great to get to meet you at Molly's Crop! Your pages are just gorgeous! I am sure those American Mags will be picking those up in no time!!! See you on the SGK board (and maybe even at ABBY!!!)

  5. So very glad you've found some real peeps in USA (LOL)!! Love the layouts btw.

  6. Hi Alicia,

    I am glad that you had an enjoyable Christmas and New Year. I absolutely love your layouts and can't wait for the next SC Class. Hopefully I'll make it online for this one.


  7. Happy 2007 Leish...lovely LO's and so nice to hear your nephew arrived safely. Great to hear you've had a Tim Tam fix too :)

  8. oh my goodness!! love the layouts they are really fanastic, esp the ones of Kyan, and you and the girls are just adorable! I'm so happy you got to meet them, and I so wish I could have been there!!!! we gotta plan Vegas!!!

  9. Anonymous10:40 AM

    I love your layouts.. You never cease to amaze me girly. Glad to hear Baby Cooper is doing well. :)

    BTW..I am so envious that you guys get to crop together.

  10. OMG Alicia. I can't believe how grown up Kyan is looking. He seems to have crossed that baby to toddler line. Still a most handsome little man. Give him hugs for me!!
    Congrats to all on the new addition to the family, he is adorable!

  11. Certainly seems like you have been busy. Loving the layouts as always!!

  12. Anonymous7:02 PM

    more great lo's Leish. Love the colours.

  13. Great LO's and pics!! Glad you all had fun croppin'!!

  14. Love that you managed to catch up with Kat and Molly. Wow, they are teeny-tiny ladies! Cute photo.
    xx S.

  15. Anonymous1:17 AM

    great layouts leish. You seem to be having the time of your life over there. I so want to see NY
