Wednesday, September 17

A rushed update

It's obviously been a long time since I blogged. I've been very busy, and today is so exception, so a very quick update from me.

* Around 6 weeks til we head back to Australia
* Went to Vegas
* Went in a helicopter
* Went to Boston
* Have had all the grandparents here for visits
* Cameron took his first steps on Sunday, although hasn't done too much since
* Cameron also has 4 teeth coming through
* Kyan turned 4 last week
* Made the top 50 shortlist in the Australian scrapbooking masters
* Have some new classes stated/starting at MCC

and some random pictures.


  1. Thanks for the update. *insert BIG grin here*

    Congrats again on your Top 50 with SM Masters!

    Catch you over the weekend. Promise.
    xx S.

  2. Congrats on SM top 50!!
    It sounds like you need a lay down, you are making me tired!!

  3. Hi sweetie i can't believe you are leaving, you've been busy,sending you a big hug, Rosa.

  4. COngrats on making the top 50!!

  5. Fabulous news on making the TOP 50...well done!

    Nice to hear from you!!:)

    Chelle Xx
