Saturday, August 9

Beyond the page with Alicia

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This time around my the Beyond the Page feature I thought I would do something a little different to my usual projects. I have spent the past couple of weeks planning for my daughters 5th birthday party. Like most girls on the planet is seems she requested a Disney Frozen party. I was secretly very excited to be able to get on board with this one.

I straight away started to think of ideas for decoration. With the main criteria being blue, silver, and sparkly, the Bella! Glitz paper was paper, and make this project so much easier than it could have been. I began by making Elsa crowns for all the girls and Sven antlers for the boys. I found a template online, then just printed it, traced it and cut it. I added some Bella! Bling to the front and some ribbon and it was done, It was literally that easy. Some of them Mum's though I had brought them rather than made them. The kids all loved them. I did make one extra special one for my daughter, so that she would stand out. I used a Bella! Bling flourish.

While I was at it, I also made a stack of snowflakes on my Cricut from the same Bella Glitz paper. (Tip: I used the muti cut function as the paper is thicker than most, and it worked beautifully). I even used strips of silver Glitz paper around the water bottles.

Products used:
Bella! Glitz Powder
Bella! Glitz: Silver

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