Yes, I know it's been a while. I feel like I am still catching up from being back in Australia. There is lots to update on so I'll try to be organised.
FamilyThe biggest and latest news is that we have decided to head back to Australia. It's not exactly what we wanted to do yet, but given our current circumstances it is the most sensible thing to do. We are looking at going in Mid November, so that gives us 6 months to make he most of New York. One thing we are doing is really ramping up on our photograpy so we have lots of good shots to take back. Here's some of The Brooklyn Bridge I took a few weeks ago:
BridgeIt was Father's Day here last weekend, so we headed to the park to take some photos. Here are a few:
Father's Day
Cameron:Cameron is getting bigger all the time. He's happily eating solids and plenty of it. He rolls onto his tummy all the time, and can push himself up on his hands and knees and rock back and forward. He gets cuter every day. Here's a pic. This one is a few weeks old. Will try to take some new ones today.
Cameron He also has a tooth starting to poke through.
Kyan:Kyan's asthma is giving him some problems at the moment but other than that he's good. His playgroup finishes next week. He didn't get into pre-K, but that doesn't really matter now. We are putting him Summer camp a couple of afternoons a week just to keep up the social interactions. We are also going to try to get him into swimming lessons.
New YorkIt's Summer here and Good Morning America have been running concerts in the park. We went along last week to see Cindy Lauper. Here's a pic that Michael took.

MCC Classes:
I have a new class open at MCC on making 3D flowers. It has already started but it isn't too late to join in:

Enrol at
2 Croppin Cousinz
2CC has their 2nd birthday this month. There is a big crop next weekend. It starts with a live chat Friday night NY time. The challenges will all be announced then. There will also be games across the weekend, and presents to download. There are some great prizes on offer too, including a very generous prize from Green Geco Deisgns. I would really love to see some of my friends there. Lots of you signed up ages ago but we haven't seen you for a while. Kerryn will be there too of course, so come and say Hi. You can even just come and chat on Friday night (Sat morn Bris time). Don't forget you can also come and do my page plans there and you could win a store gift voucher. Here are some of my projects from the June kit.

I'm actually giving away the hanger as part of the birthday celebrations. See the homepage for details.
I am a Scrapaholic.
I am still doing the monthly competition using my sketches, only at the moment we are also giving away a product prize for the winner. Check out the details on the website or blog: If you haven't visited the blog, add it to your sidebar. There are some great tips and tutorials posted there almost every day. Here's my June stuff:

I better leave it there. It has already been a big post. Remember to leave me a comment so I know you visited.