We've had lots of people checking in on us as our baby day gets closer, so I figured an update was in order.
We are booked in for a c-section ths Friday morning, so we will have our new little girl by the weekend. Michael will get all the details up on facebook/twitter as soon as he can, so check there for the news. I'll be in hospital until mid next week, so I will post some pics here when I can.
Kyan is very excited about meeting his new little sister. Cameron is completely oblivious. The baby room is almost ready. I just need to get Michael to put up the new curtain rod, and a few little bits and pieces, and we will be done. It's very pink. will post a picture when it is finished.

I've also been busy trying to get some Kaiser layouts done before I'm away. I got all 6 new collections last week or so, and they are amazing. The new packaging is very cool too. Everything comes in re-usable ziplock bags. I've finished 4 layouts using hte new stuff but can't share just yet. Should be able to to soon though, so check back soon.
I know a few poeple who check here haven't seen the boys for a while, or even any photos of them, so here are a few recent ones. Kyan is doing great at daycare, and really loves it. His asthma has improved hugely now that we have tried a new medication. Cameron is getting cuter everyday. He still doesn't say much, but seems to be trying to at least.