It's been a very long time since I have been on here, but with the move and everything, time has gotten away, so I am trying to do a few catch up posts now.
The move back was fine. We were without our stuff for a long time though, so the house was very empty for a few months. It all finally arrived just before I went back to work, so it wa a long process to get it all set up, but we are pretty much there now.
I have been back at work for a term now teaching dance and visual arts which is fun but exhausting.
I think everyone already knows this, but just as we got home I discovered I am pregnant again. The best part is that is it a girl this time. I have about 12 weeks to go.
We have our first trip back to America booked in for September. We'll be going to LA, New York and North Carolina. Can't wait to see our friends and go to our favourite restaurants.
Here are some layouts for 2CC from way back in November. Be sure to check out their new blog if you haven't been there yet:
