We are having our First Blog Hop of the new season today and our theme is "Creating Handmade Spring Flowers" On each blog you will find lots of incredible projects and ways to create and use spring flowers that you can make yourself! In order to win our Grand Prize be sure and collect the kinds of flowers made on each blog and send the list to teresa@bestcreation.us. Also be sure and leave comments along your way on each of our DTs' blogs and especially on the Best Creation blog at the end of the hop. Be sure and check out www.bestcreationinc.blogspot.com for the list of prizes you are going to win.
I love handmade flowers of all kinds, but today I am sharing with you my very favourite one. These are called Kusudama flowers, and they are a form of Japanese origami. I must make it clear that this is not something that I invented. Japanese paper artists are far more clever than I am. I will however take you through the steps to creating this flower. Something to keep in mind is that this is a very bulky flower when finished. It's not really all that suitable for layouts, but is perfect for beyond the page projects and display items, as you can see on my finished frame.

For this flower I used Best Creation Basic Glitter Dot paper. Becasue the paper is so nice and thick, some of your folds will be a little bulky, but well worth it in the end. The key is precision. The better your folds, the neater your final flower will be.
Step 1:Begin with 5 squares. Mine are 3 inch/7cm.
Fold diagonally in half.

Step 6: Fold the side flap back onto itself towards the middle. It will start to become quite bulky now.

A bunch of these flowers can be joined to make a ball decoration. They could also make a great garland.
I hope you enjoyed my little share with you and feel inspired to give it a try for yourself.
Next on our floral journey is Nicole Wise. You can find her lovely blog here.
Now to be in the running for great prizes, be sure to follow these steps:
* Leave a comment here (and I'd love to invite you to become a follower if you are not already)
* Leave a comment on each of the other DT blogs, including the Best Creation blog.
* Take note of each of the flowers you have seen today and email a list of them to Teresa at teresa@bestcreation.us
* be sure to check out our Facebook page for extra chances to win.
Thanks for playing along.