Just wanted to share a really great opportunity. Helmar are calling for some guest designers. This is a great team to be part of, and the products are really awesome. If you think you have the time, I strongly recommend you sending Tracy some of your work. here are the guidelines:
Submissions Guidelines:
Email the following information to: info@helmarusa.com by March 20th.
Full contact information: include your shipping address, phone number, email address, blog/website.
A short bio...tell us about yourself.
Let us know what your favorite Helmar products are and why.
List any current/past design teams you are on.
Post a minimum of (3) projects that you have created using HELMAR Adhesives on your personal blog. Provide the DIRECT Link to your blog post that features your Helmar Design Team Submission. A blog is a must-have to post your submission. Remember to provide the DIRECT Link to your Submission. Please include the following in your blog post;
TITLE: Helmar USA Design Guest Designer Submission
Project Photos (videos count too!)
Materials List
Helmar Adhesives you used and how you used them
Any unique techniques
Remember to link your Guest Designer Submission on Helmar's Facebook Wall: http://www.facebook.com/HelmarUSA
If selected to be a Helmar Guest Designer you will receive a wide variety of Helmar adhesives and art mediums to create with. You be asked to post a minimum of (3) blog posts during the month on the Helmar USA Design Team Blog: www.helmarusa.typeapd.com.
Please submit the above information to info@helmarusa.com by March 20th. No late entries will be accepted. The Guest Design Members will be announced by March 31st!
It is time to get your GLUE on and become a Guest Designer!
Good luck to anyone who enters.