Hi everyone. Sorry for being so quiet. Thanks so much for all your lovely comments.
The trip went well. The service was good. Michael did a speech on behalf of the grandkids. I missed it though, ans the euology, as I took Kyan outside for a bit when he was being noisy and talking to the people in the seats. I think that everyone was really pleased with the job Michael did. His cousins certainly were. There were over 300 poeple there which was quite incredible.
Apart from that, it was a good chance to see all of Michael's family in one go. Kyan loved playing with his cousins, and quite enjoyed the atention that he got from everyone. It was especially good for them both to spend some time with Michael's Nan.

We didn't get to fly through Brisbane unfortunately so Mum flew to Sydney for the day to see Kyan on our stopover to Tassie. Our friends Shaun and Lesleigh also surprised us at the airport which was lovely.
We took the opportunity to have as much Aussie food as possible. Mum even brought us Big Dad's pies from Brisbane. They were yum, although I burnt my arm heating them up.
We also did a grocery shop at Woolies and crammed as much food as we could in our suitcase. Here is justa sample.

When we got home it was snowing. We took a couple of pics but they didn't really turn out. It just looked like rain.
We took Kyan to the G'day USA concert yesterday. It had Terri and Bindi, which was fun. Kyan was there to see the Wiggles though. He loves them. He seemed to have a good time at the concert. He was sad to see Dorothy go though. She is his favourite.
I have lots of projects on the go at the moment. I got my first kit for 2 Croppin cousins yesterday so I am working my way through that at the moment. We have a cyber crop happening there on the 17th of Feb. There will be lots of games, challenges and of course prizes, so I hope to see you there.

Reality Scrap starts right now. The qualifying challenge has been posted. It's not too late to sign up though. Sign up's close on the 1st of Feb. The sooner you sign up though, the more time you will have to do the challenge.
I am slowly getting through everyone's blogs. Please forgive me if I haven't commented on your for a little while. It is taking me a while to catch up.